American Indian Parent Advisory Committee/Local Indian Education Committee
The AIPAC/LIEC is comprised of a group of caregivers such as: parents, grandparents, and guardians of American Indian children. Our AIPAC/LIEC also includes 2-3 elder representatives from the community, and one teacher representative from each CLB School Building. The committee meets monthly over the course of the school year including a meeting in August and June. The committee serves as a crucial communication link between our American Indian Community and the Cass Lake-Bena School District.
The AIPAC/LIEC meets on the first Thursday of each month. Here are the meeting dates for this school year:
Wednesday September 14, 2022
Wednesday October 12, 2022
Wednesday November 9, 2022
Wednesday December 14, 2022
Wednesday January 11, 2023
Wednesday February 8, 2023new date: Feb 2, 2023Wednesday March 8, 2023new date: March 2, 2023Wednesday April 12, 2023new date: April 6, 2023Wednesday May 10, 2023new date: May 4, 2023June 14, 2023new date: June 1: 2023
During the 2021-2022 pandemic time, the AIPAC/LIEC meetings were held virtually. At our November 2022 AIPAC/LIEC, the committee voted to offer a virtual option for the monthly meetings. At our January 2023 meeting, the AIPAC/LIEC voted to change the meeting dates to the first Thursday of each month.
If you would like to know more about this Committee, please contact Sydney Novak, Director of Indian Education.