To ensure students and staff arrive home safely before the impending storm, Cass Lake-Bena Schools will dismiss early today, Tuesday, April 4. The elementary will load buses at 1:00 p.m. The middle school and high school will load buses at 1:30 p.m. Thank you.
almost 2 years ago, Superintendent Chase
CL-B High School students were recognized and rewarded tonight for A and B Honor Roll, 90%+ attendance, and zero behavior referrals from 3rd quarter! 73% of our students received at least one of these awards!!
almost 2 years ago, Kylie Higgins
CLBHS Prom 2023 tickets are on sale now! A Starry Night, Saturday, May 6th, 2023, at Cass Lake High School. Grand March 6:00 PM with dinner and dance to follow. Tickets can be purchased at the high school front office. Contact Emmy Morgan or Alicia Croaker for more info.
almost 2 years ago, Kelsey Engel
CLBHS Prom 2023, A Starry Night, Saturday, May 6, 2023.  Grand March 6:00 PM with dinner and dance to follow.  Tickets are $25 and can be purchased at the high school office April 3rd to May 4th. Ticket price includes entrance to dance, one 5" x 7" photo, and dinner. Open to CLBHS Juniors and Seniors.  Sophomores may attend as dates of upperclassmen. Contact Emmy Morgan or Alicia Croaker for any other informations or questions.
Cass Lake-Bena Schools have been cleared to release from our soft lockdown. Thank you for your patience.
almost 2 years ago, Superintendent Chase
The Cass Lake-Bena HS FIRST Robotics teams are competing at the Idaho Regional @ Nampa, ID Thu-Sat. The Girls team 3134 Accelerators and the Boys team 3275 Regulators can be tracked & watched live on "The Blue Alliance" website.
almost 2 years ago, Matthew Wendland
Team Photo
3134 Bot
3275 Bot
41 freshmen passed all of their 3rd quarter classes and were rewarded with a trip to the Bemidji movie theatre!!
almost 2 years ago, Kylie Higgins
Freshmen at the movies!
Saturday Night Live is back at Cass Lake-Bena High School starting April 1st, from 6-9PM. Students in grades 6-12 can use open gym, play trivia for prizes, or watch movies. Students grade 5 or younger must have a parent or guardian with to attend.
almost 2 years ago, Dominic Krump
The girls robotics team where one of the featured guests on the weekly robotics show hosted on "Your Live Event" last Saturday.
almost 2 years ago, Matthew Wendland
3134 YLE Interview
Cass Lake-Bena Schools and buses will be 2 hours late today Wednesday, March 22, 2023.
almost 2 years ago, Superintendent Chase
#CLBSpeech is in Moorhead competing for a chance to compete at NSDA Nationals in Phoenix this June. They had a little downtime before the competition and stopped by the Hot Rod Shop of Fargo and got a tour from proprietor, Cody Wendelbo. #PantherPride #speechgeekslikecarstoo
almost 2 years ago, Brian Stoebner
CLB Speech Represent!
Nat Quals
Chatting up the owner of the Hot Rod Shop
Elementary STEM Night- A great turnout with 90+ people in attendance! Families explored 'Energy & Magnetism' through fun, hands-on learning stations.
almost 2 years ago, Cass Lake-Bena Elementary
Speech Meet for Fosston on Saturday March 11 has been cancelled!
about 2 years ago, Tyler Wittner
Due to the latest NWS forecast and safety related concerns, the March 11, 2023 Section 8A Boys Basketball games have been moved to Monday, March 13, 2023. (Fertile-Beltrami vs Cass Lake-Bena) - 3:45 pm
about 2 years ago, Tyler Wittner
Team Sports- Volleyball Tournament 2nd Place: (L-R) Julie Winslow, Sean Spence, Natalie Wittner, Kingsly Whitebird, Malique Whitefeather
about 2 years ago, Mike Hanson
Team Sports
Team Sports- Volleyball Tournament 3rd Place: (L-R) Judson Goss, Monserat Treviso-Roy, DeVante Connor, Darold Madigan, Daniel Cook
about 2 years ago, Mike Hanson
Team Sports
Team Sports-Volleyball Tournament CHAMPIONS: (L-R) Robert Fairbanks, Dedric Jackson, Mia Moore, Aiden White, Mark Dorman, Jeremiah Moose, Mark Wittner
about 2 years ago, Mike Hanson
Team Sports
High School Conferences will be Wednesday March 8th from 3:30-7:30 PM, with a meal from 5:00-6:00 PM. Thursday March 9th conferences are 7:30 AM-3:30 PM. High school staff look forward to meeting with parents and guardians.
about 2 years ago, Dominic Krump
Individual Sports Class- Jeremiah Moose 1st Place in Doubles Badminton 1st Place in Singles Pickleball and Doubles Pickleball
about 2 years ago, Mike Hanson
1st place Pickleball and Badminton
Robotics: HS Teams saw their first action of the season at the conference scrimmage in Bemidji Feb 18th. A recap and interviews from the event can be seen at "Your Live Event" on YouTube.
about 2 years ago, Matthew Wendland
Team 3134 Interview
Team 3275 Interview
Tonight's Girls Basketball Game vs Mahnomen/Waubun will be the First Round of Section 8A playoffs. Being a Section Game we will charge admission for tonight's game. Game time 7 pm Cass Lake Bena High School Prices will be $8 for adults $5 for students
about 2 years ago, Tyler Wittner