Weather Related Announcement from Cass Lake Bena Elementary. No drum and dance at the Elementary after school today. Again, no drum and dance after school at the Elementary. Students will be going home to their normal location or picked up as usual.

On Friday 2/24, 7th grade students had the opportunity to paint on canvases with Mrs. Maas & Mrs. Stoebner. There was a lot of concentration and creativity put into their work! We hope the families enjoyed seeing the masterpieces.

I in KIND student.

Pre-Order your 2023 yearbook today!
Yearbooks will be available for pick up in mid-August but will include all 2022-2023 school year activities!

Math student creates a canvas artwork in math class through learning about patterns with shapes.

CL-B High School Winter Newsletter is now available here and on the high school page. Stay warm and enjoy!

CLBHS invites families to celebrate student achievement this afternoon!

The Cass Lake ALC staff and students did some exploring of Ravenna Italy with an actual Italian winemaker. Pier Rosetti, a friend of Patty Lester, came and talked about a wide range of topics:shopping, food, lack of roads, gondola rides, and politics. Patty even made pizzelles.

Families of CLB students, please review the e-learning information your student(s) teachers have sent home. While we don't know what Wednesday's weather will look like, we do want to be prepared. School staff will be reviewing this with their students today, and students will be reminded to bring their Chromebooks and/or learning packets home just in case. If an e-learning day is necessary, you will be notified via instant alert and the district website and app. Thank you!

CLBHS Families, did your student make the 2nd Quarter "A" or "B" Honor Roll, have excellent attendance, or zero behavior referrals? Please watch your mail for an invite to the CLBHS Rewards & Recognition Celebration on February 22, 2023.

CLBHS #CO2023 families are encouraged to attend an informative evening with Senior class advisors and support staff on Wednesday, February 15 at 5:30 pm in the HS Commons.

Parents and Guardians,
We have 81 students on our second quarter honor roll. We are going to recognize these students in the Cass Lake Times. If any parents/guardians do not wish to have their student's name published in the paper please notify the high school office (218) 335-2203 by Friday, February 3rd.

Speech Meet today at Cass Lake-Bena High School. Twenty area schools are competing at this varsity meet. Nice job Mr. Stoebner and crew!

Elementary students had a unique opportunity last week to participate in the experience of WonderTrek, a traveling collection of hands-on experiences from an emerging Children's Museum in Brainerd.

Elementary students had a unique opportunity last week to participate in the experience of WonderTrek, a traveling collection of hands-on experiences from an emerging Children's Museum in Brainerd.

Cass Lake Bena Girls Basketball at Deer River tonight at 7:15
Cass Lake Bena Boys Basketball at Pine River tonight at 7:15

CLB School Board elected officers January 4. Congratulations to Board Chair Millie Baird, Vice Chair Jolyn Donnell, Treasurer Jamie Mitchell and Clerk Jenny Reyes. #PantherPride

Newly elected board member Terri Finn-Goggleye and re-elected members Jolyn Donnell and Lenny Fineday took their oath of office January 4. #Panther Pride

CLB Community, you are invited to the January AIPAC/LIEC meeting, and the CLB Impact Aid Hearing on Wednesday January 11, 2022. Meetings will take place in the Culture Room at the CLBHS.
Please contact Sydney Novak, Director of Indian Education with any questions. 218-335-2204 x1322.

As part of the CLB High School Career Pathways program, students can try out different jobs. Josh Graves is serving as a teaching assistant at CLB Elementary. The students in Ms. Raddatz's class enjoy learning from their "Big Kid". Way to show that #PantherPride!