Freshmen brought their families in Tuesday December 20th to decorate cookies and do a little holiday coloring! Thank you to the freshmen teachers for a great Event! Everyone had great Time!
about 2 years ago, Superintendent Chase
two students
several students
student and cookies
For our Holiday Celebration at the High School, we started out with grade level Spoons Tournament! Following this, there were many activities in the commons for students to take part in: games and crafts, cookie decorating, floor hockey and volleyball, moccasin game, and a holiday and hot cocoa! It was a fun morning with students and staff. Have a fun and safe winter break! #clbpanthers
about 2 years ago, Sydney Novak, Director of Indian Education
Fun times at CLBE. Thank you Mrs. Durant and Mr. Wheeler for playing Christmas music at breakfast. Thank you Santa for making us all feel even more special.
about 2 years ago, Josh Grover
A great last school day of the year 2022 at Cass Lake-Bena Elementary! Santa came to visit during our annual Holiday Sing-A-Long! Huge thank you to the CLBE staff and student council for helping this day happen. A great big shout out to Mrs. Durant for playing our favorites!
about 2 years ago, Josh Grover
Tonights Cass Lake Bena Activities Schedule. Note: Girls Basketball Jv game will start at 4:30 HS Gym 9th Grade Boys Basketball 4:30 in MS Gym
about 2 years ago, Tyler Wittner
ALC students received gifts from IHS and former School Social Worker Julie Slavin and family. We are blessed by the generosity from the community! Thank you!
about 2 years ago, Mary Aery
Here are our CLBHS, Mr. Grolla's Annual Makazinitaagewin Tournament is taking place! Mr. Grolla had eight teams sign up for the tournament, including a few of our alumni! Staff and students were also invited to check out the games throughout the morning. CLBHS students are able to learn the game in the HS Ojibwe classes, and are invited to join in on the moccasin game tournaments. A few of our HS students also join various tournaments in northern MN as well! Giminochige students! #clbpanthers #moccasingame #makazinitaagewin #clbalumni
about 2 years ago, Sydney Novak, Director of Indian Education
Girls Basketball Reschedule!!!! Saturday December 17th JV girls basketball Nevis @ Cass Lake Bena Hs gym at 5pm Varsity Girls Basketball Nevis @ Cass Lake Bena Hs gym at 6:15pm Jr high games will be made up another Date.
about 2 years ago, Tyler Wittner
Cass Lake Bena Schools and buses will be 2 hours late today Wednesday December 14.
about 2 years ago, Superintendent Chase
All after school activities have been canceled due to incoming hazardous weather. All students will go home immediately after school is released.
about 2 years ago, Superintendent Chase
7th graders have been busy writing their way out of snowglobes today! Every Monday in Language Arts, they have a writing challenge. I think this is Mrs. Maas' new favorite! This writing activity has captured "the writer" in many of the students.
about 2 years ago, Cass Lake-Bena Public Schools
7th graders working
7th graders working
7th graders working
7th graders working
It's cookie decorating and ornament making with families at the Curiosity Center today!
about 2 years ago, Superintendent Chase
Mr. Wellen's "Designing Your Future" and Mr. Schouten's "Blueprint Reading" Classes visited Next Innovations metal art manufacturing on Thursday December 8th Thank you to Arnold Volker, owner and his team and the gracious hospitality.
over 2 years ago, Superintendent Chase
next innovations
students in hallway
students at tables
Important Calendar Change -- To comply with Minnesota Statutes, CLBS must change the 2022-23 Calendar. There WILL BE school on December 16, 2022. There WILL NOT be school on January 2, 2023. Thank you for your understanding.
over 2 years ago, Superintendent Chase
It's STEM night at CLB Elementary. We are having fun with Science and Technology!
over 2 years ago, Superintendent Chase
syem night
parent and kids
In early November, 7th grade students reviewed Thematic Statements. They were asked to read short passages and match the corresponding thematic statement to it. The competition was tough!
over 2 years ago, Cass Lake-Bena Public Schools
7th Graders working
7th graders working
7th grader working
7th graders working
7th Graders have been busy! Last week they learned about persuasive writing. Their chairs went on strike and to get them back, they had to write a letter to the chair persuading it to come back to them.
over 2 years ago, Cass Lake-Bena Public Schools
Anchor Charts
Chairs on strike
CLB Rock Your Moccs Week! We honor our ancestors, and Indigenous peoples worldwide, by participating in Rock Your Moccs events and commemorate National Native American Heritage Month. #clbpanthers #rockyourmoccs #nationalnativeamericanheritagemonth
over 2 years ago, Sydney Novak, Director of Indian Education
Rock Your Moccs Week!
Cass Lake ALC staff and students participated in indigenous activities with Dr. Dan Ninham.
over 2 years ago, Liza Boxum
Giving the directions for lacrosse
Dr. Dan Ninham giving instructions
Staff and students participating
Cass Lake-Bena Schools wanted to extend our thanks to all veterans of all branches. Your commitment to our country and this community is greatly appreciated. Your sacrifice, your bravery, and the example you set for us all is treasured. Thank you for your service!
over 2 years ago, Dominic Krump